So I know it has been a while.
Back in June during the Art City Days festivities down here in Springville there was a bike show put on at Legends. It was the first show I was able to enter my Knucklehead in. It was a lot of fun! Unfortunately I had to work at SOS during most of the show, and right when I got off work the skies opened up and it looked like the end of the world. It rained and blew so hard that it knocked out the power.
They had some "old school" bikers that came to the show do the judging. They must have liked what we did. I won a trophy for "Most Radical" and I also won "Best of Show." I was flattered.
I "borrowed" some pictures off of a friends website that she took of the bike that day. So here is a taste of what it's all about from someone else perspective...