Friday, November 14, 2008

Twisted Steel

So we moved on to designing the rear end. After reshaping the rear fender on the English wheel we moved on to rear fender struts. Came up with an idea to twist up some solid stock and try to make something gnarly. Merlin had seen some hexagon stock so we tracked some down and started trying different ideas. We welded one end of the rod to the table and tacked a handle on to the other end. We heated up about an inch and a half at a time and twisted it in opposite directions. Came out pretty rad. Going to use it for struts and maybe a sissy bar....?


nancy said...

How fun. I want a ride whenits all done.You just have to drive slow:)

Seth Ollerton said...

That's lookin' sweet, sick, phat, and dope!

St. Provo Girl said...

Nice pics! The gas cap is cool!

Unknown said...

looking good brother

Newty said...

I knew I shoulda been a pharmacist, oh whoops sorry, do the bad ass bike builders know you're a pill pusher in the daytime?

Unknown said...

update already. slacker.